Hostel Spotlight: Hostel 99, Cesky Krumlov

Hostel 99: This is the kind of hostel they all should be like; forget the 526 bed behemoths, this place is little, crammed with beds and wooden beams – finally somewhere with personality.
Where: Hostel 99, Cesky Krumlov (not hard to find, this isn’t a big town)
Cost: I paid roughly 13 euro a night. Bring it on.
Perks: Atmosphere. Grab a drink from the restaurant next door and take it to the picnic tables on the terrace. Also bring your camera – you’ll want photos of this view over Cesky. Internet is cheap – 30 czech crowns (approx. 1.3 euro) as a one time fee, then you don’t pay again. Wireless is also available next door. This place is right in Cesky, so no worries about paying for transport. The restaurant next door does a great feed, and massive too – just be prepared to wait during busy times.
My favourite features: The hostel interior, which is just like climbing into the pages of a fairy tale. All of the little wooden beds lined up in a row, huge beams crossing the vaulted ceilings, and mystery rooms at the top of rickety staircases. If you’re in the big dorm upstairs, go for the bed on the far right hand corner – you get a big space to let your bag’s contents run wild.

But nobody’s perfect: Sadly, no free breakfast. The restaurant next door starts serving at ten am, and it’s not expensive, so at least there is an option. Also, quiet time starts at ten pm, allegedly due to the nasty neighbours who have been known to call the police. There is a kitchen,and I was misinformed – thought it only had a microwave, but it boasts a stove as well. Hit the Tesco (2k away) and go gourmet.
Don’t take my word for it: You won’t miss Zezo, the crazy Brazilian who has been working here for five years. “Take a break from the hurry. You don’t have to rush to museums, just take it easy and relax.” Ask him to tell you the story about chewing gum and inconvenient locations, then decide for yourself whether or not it is 100 percent true…Zezo is pictured here with the hostel mascot, who he claims they picked up for a good price at the mascot store. No word on where this place is.

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Děkuji mnohokrát Helena Míková
Hi Helena – I am not affiliated with Hostel 99, if you have questions about booking please contact them directly!