Hi, I’m Lauren!

Officially, I work in marketing. But that’s what I do, not who I am. I’ve been a working, writing traveler since 2003, and my life has been a series of lateral movements, both professionally and geographically.

By the time I turned 30 in 2011 I’d had over 30 jobs in 6 countries, and it started to make me nervous. Jack of all trades, master of none. That was me. I started doing frantic internet research, trying to decide where I wanted to live and what I wanted to be.

Then I thought, wait a minute.

I’d made choices along the way that were right for me at the time. If pursuing a fixed career path was going to make me happy, I would have done it. That’s what Lateral Movements is about: having a life that’s defined by the way you live, not just your job title. That might mean working a 9-5, being a digital nomad, traveling a lot, traveling a little, or anything in between, as long as it works for you.

About me

Current City

Austin, TX

Fun fact

I’m a CODA


US + Australia

1st Int’l Trip
